Golden Sunlight Jamboree vom Lech-Toller Nest
Internationaler Champion mit Arbeitsprüfung
Deutscher Champion (VDH)
Deutscher Champion (DRC) mit Arbeitsprüfung
Schweizer Schönheits-Champion
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May 3rd, 2002
ED free/II
PRA clear |
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Wesenstest on November 23rd, 2003 Judge: Karrenberg
The 18 month old male has an engaging temperament and a high degree of agility and playfulness. He is willing to subordinate and there is a strong bond between the owner and him. He has shown his excellent predisposition for working as a hunting dog. In the test circle and lying on his back he is secure and unimpressed. Optical and acoustic impulses do not irritate him either. He is steady to shot.
Jambo introduced me to working with dummies and to hunting. He showed me what retrievers are capable of.
His persistence when searching and his good nose are his strengths I can always rely on. He also has a strong will to find the game, so he never returns without it.
His marking ability and his obedience are extraordinary. Jambo loves to work for me and he is great at taking whistle and hand commands. We have become a very good team!
When working, Jambo is very tough. No obstacle can stop him and he doesn’t mind any unpleasant overgrowth like thorns or stinging nettles.
When hunting ducks and picking up game, Jambo shows his brilliant abilities and his enthusiasm. He is a very reliable hunting dog which is very concentrated and determined when working prepared blood tracks.
One of our highlights certainly was our participation in the German Cup 2005. Our team (with Ursula Hagedorn, Claudia Seitz and their Flats "Adjuga of Easter Song" and "Agno of Easter Song") we came 16th (out of 33). So Jambo was the first Toller in Germany which ever took part in this "Master Championship" of the DRC.
In the same year at the Speciality in Sweden, Jambo won the Nybörjarklass by passing the hunting test and judge Ake Liedgren made him "Bästa Nybörjarklasshund".
He came second in the Tolling test and judge Finn Lange stated in his report "The judge would like to hunt with this dog!".
The same weekend Jambo won the open class of the show and became 'BIS öppenklass' and '3: a bästa hane' all in all (out of 150 males).
Now at the age of six, he has successfully passed all hunting tests. He started in class F at a few working tests and he has earned a few titles at shows: German Champion VDH and DRC (with working test), Swiss Beauty Champion and as crowning achievement: International Beauty Champion with working test! (A title no other Toller in Germany has yet earned!)
His inner peace, friendliness and his balanced temperament also show at home where he is very lovely with the other dogs and with us likes to cuddle.
State: September 2008 |